It Is Well

Dec 15, 2024    Pastor Tyler Schoenberger

The journey to finding true peace with God often begins with unlearning the performance-based mindset many of us develop early in life. Through the examples of Daniel and Noah, we see that righteousness before God isn't about personal perfection or earning favor through good works. Instead, their righteousness came purely through God's grace.

When we are in Christ, we stand completely righteous and blameless before God - not because of our actions, but because of His finished work. This position isn't something that fluctuates based on our behavior; we are either in right standing with Him through faith, or we're not. Many believers struggle with anxiety and lack of peace because they haven't fully embraced this truth. The real challenge isn't in following rules or doing good works, but in believing that our sins are fully forgiven and that God's feelings toward us remain constant regardless of our performance. While the world operates on conditional love and earned acceptance, God's love works differently - it's already completely secure through Christ, and nothing can separate us from it.